Nature and indigenous

Still in the muncipal area of  São Paulo you can make some tours in pure nature, walking in the Mata Atlântica (atlantic rainforest) with its unique flora, fauna and waterfalls as well. This area, Parelheiros, is located in the far south of the city, closer to the coast as to the center of the city, at the southern end of the water reservoir Represa Billings. You can only get there by car and having an English speaking  guide with you is suggested. Also there are two villages of indigenous people, one with about 950, the other with about 350 inhabitants, both are from the Guarani tribe.

These may be visited by contacting the authorities before going there. The indigenous are interested in showing some of their culture and selling artcraft to tourists. And the children love to show the visitors how they jump into the water of the water reservoir. Still there are only few tourists visiting the villages as they don´t have many support in making propaganda. If you go there, you should also take along something to drink and eat, as not available there. The indigenous don´t have a restaurant or snack bar, they have to transport all their needs by public bus.
