Barra do Sahy

km 172 of the road Rio – Santos
145 km from São Paulo | 28 km from Bertioga, 44 km from São Sebastião

The beach of Barra do Sahy (or Saí) is formed like a horseshoe, with light sand and a wonderful sight to the island As Ilhas (“The Islands”). The village is not directly at the road from Santos to Rio, no traffic disturbs.

For all, who like snorkels and diving, a trip with the schooner is worthwhile. The basin molded by the sea is impressive at the Canto Bravo.

From the river, fishermen go daily to the work on sea. Tourists also leave from there to the also beautiful islands to rest, to admire the nature or to dive. Barra do Sahy has an excellent infrastructure, with good hotels and restaurants.

Enjoy Barra do Sahy!
